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Dennis Porebski, Erica, Bob, and Phyllis Poresbski sharing stories of the day's events.
We spent a great deal of time hanging around the campsite laughing and telling lies. Particularly entertaining was watching and rating arriving and departing airplanes on the adjacent runway.
General Chuck Yeager: Self-proclaimed "best-of-the-best."
Oshkosh provides the only forum in the world where the famous and not-so-famous come together in a common bond of friendship, motivation, and educations.
Movie star Harrison Ford shares his love of flying to the crowd at the Theater in the Woods.
Mr. Ford is the new chairman of the EAA Young Eagles program that encourages youngsters to take their first flight.
Aerobatic airshow pilot Patty Wagstaff with an aspiring aerobatic airshow pilot.
One of the nicest things about Oshkosh is the informality. Heros, stars, professional pilots, and new beginners come together annually to support one another.
FAA Adminstrator Marion Blakey (holding cup) mingles with the crowd.
Administrator Blakey brought her entire senior staff including the department heads of each major FAA department to answer questions.

The FAA and EAA have been working closely together to create a friendlier world for both pilots and regulators.
The FAA's chief doctor talks about speeding the medical waiver process.
The Sport Pilot/Light Sport Aircraft rule that just passed now makes it possible for pilots to operate airplanes less than 1,320 pounds gross take off weight with only a driver's license (no FAA medical required). Note: Pilots who have been denied their medical anytime in the past must still have the required waiver.
Interior of the new four place RV-10 homebuilt.
The RV line of aircraft is the most popular homebuilts in the history of flight. Over 3,500 RVs have been built. Imagine . . . a 200mph airplane for under $50,000 (if you have the 1,000 to 2,000 hours of time to build one).

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